Tuesday, January 26, 2010


sad:bleeee is sick. that's why i haven't been on. well and rock of course.
didn't go to class so i don't have my homework and i haven't practiced guitar so my teacher is gonna be disappointed. :(

happy: ROCK...nuf said. Lizzie got assassins creed two and i got to watch her play it. i finished a really good book and Lizzie got me the next one from the library. i had TWO bottles of yoohoo yesterday. :)


Erin said...

I've been sick to. . . .not fun

Katie said...

aww =(
Gracie can't give you the homework?

silentsandy13 said...

she made a copy for me but i have no idea what any of the new lessons we're supposed to learn when writing the paragraph.
gracie doesn't take notes and even if she did it would be unreadable and unhelpful. uggh sickness isn't good when you have only one opportunity to learn something and then use it.