Saturday, January 30, 2010


i had to smile when lizzie killed a guy, robbed him, and then threw him and his buddys into a pile on the side of the road :)
she really can't be 20 years old today.
and i also smiled a lot today cause my dog is just TO CUTE.
i love her.

Friday, January 29, 2010


wings is coming out in 99 DAYS!!


smiley thing:
at mime when we started singing "let your light shine". :)
it was really fun.
and when we were doing secret and aaron pointed out that when doing mime it's best not to sing even if you know the song ><
hehe i really like secret

Thursday, January 28, 2010

smiley thing:
sheperd smith having a fit about PETA trying to replace the ground hog :)
i really like him, he's so funny ><
and also my HUGE and LONG "bracelet" i'm making.
i think it'll be long enough to be a belt when its done!
i REALLY like it, but it's gonna take a looooong time to make.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

ok so this is the post for yesterday (about an hour ago).
smiley thing: my dad got me a china dress!
well really two, he got two sizes and i get first pick!
they are both blue, one light and one dark, and silver.
i tried on the XL one first just in case.
(gee THANKS dad really gives me confidence that you think i need an EXTRA LARGE!)
the last time he got me a china dress it BARELY fit.
it was a medium (i think it was a kids size).
the XL was really big on me so i'm pretty sure that the large will fit fine.
but lizzie and gracie wouldn't let me try it on cause gracie would get it if it didn't fit me and she said "she's sick! if she puts that on i'm NEVER going to wear it!" aren't my sisters nice? they treat me like the plague when ever i get sick.
lizzie is sick all the time so i see don't why it's a big deal when i get sick. gonaa go to bed now...........maybe.
sick people should sleep more often so yeah i'll go to bed.
good night!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


sad:bleeee is sick. that's why i haven't been on. well and rock of course.
didn't go to class so i don't have my homework and i haven't practiced guitar so my teacher is gonna be disappointed. :(

happy: ROCK...nuf said. Lizzie got assassins creed two and i got to watch her play it. i finished a really good book and Lizzie got me the next one from the library. i had TWO bottles of yoohoo yesterday. :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

cell phones and homework

woohoo!! i did my homework and i found my cell phone!! :D
my cell phone was at the library ><
when i called i told them about the stuff that was on the inside.
like the picture of lizzie that is my wallpaper (hehe) >_<
i hadn't thought about the stuff on the OUTSIDE.
i finally remembered the jody davis and barbie movie stickers.
the lady who i was talking to started laughing cause she thought that jody
was the name of the owner of the phone, jody davis is a GUY.
but then they said i could come pick it up \(><)/
so i now have my beautiful picture of my dear Lizzie again x)
and i did my first homework EVER! can this be the last time?
p.s. can you guys still not comment??

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

cell phone

my day was going pretty nicely till i realized my phone was missing!!!!
does anyone have it? i've tried calling it but i can't hear it ANYWHERE in the house or van and i've looked EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!! i may have lost it at the library or the bascoms or some other place! i don't know!!!! I REALLY NEED IT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my mom is really mad too >:/ shes being a jerk!
I'm going to try calling it in the morning tomorrow if any one finds a cell phone with a picture of an ugly girl inside....CALL ME!!!! my house phone! not my cell phone! and I'll come pick it up.
happy thing today:
Daniel X is going to be a amerimanga! and he looks adorable!!!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


thing that made me smile today:
grape fanta.
it is so FANTAstic!! XD
-_- i'm such a dork...
but fanta really is the best!
i wish i could have it all the time instead of just once a day {:/
and sometimes i can't even have it once a day cause lizzie and gracie drink it all >:
i wanna know what you guys think about this.
(.....who am i talking to??)
anyways i took the personality test on facebook
that Katie wanted me too!!
it said i was a ENFJ.
i think that I'm to mean to be an ENFJ.
i don't really please people all the time!
I'm actually cruel when it comes to something i really don't like.
like Logan! i am always mean to him and will always will be!
can you guess why??? cause he's a JERK!
he thinks he's better then me just cause he can do math or something!
and he has no happiness about him! he's just depressing v_v
there is no hope for his appearance either, he's gross whether he shaves, cuts his hair, or stands up straight! no hope at all v_v.....
that wasn't a very optimistic post was it......oh well i said what i thought,
and isn't that what a blog is for??

Monday, January 18, 2010

this must be new blog excitement! third post today!!!
anyways! looklooklook!!! i got a naruto template!!!!
this is the only anime one though :(
oh well i'll just have to make some!

ok i'm posting the one i made on the hat one so here it is.
i don't thing that my computer fully gets how to cope with this site.
it really doesn't get it at all, well neither do i.
if i don't "follow"(what is this twitter?) you don't get mad at me.
i have little to no idea if my computer has fully loaded your page.

anyways!! i think I'm gonna try doing this thingy at least every two days...
or at least the days that something interesting happens. :D
like today! i went to my FIRST CLASS EVER.
i have NEVER been to any kind of official class before!
and this one is a writing class. it may be for mostly 12-year-olds but i totally need it!
I've barely done any writing before so this is going to be all new for me!
one of the reasons why I've decided to do this blog thing is cause i think it'll be good practice.
I'm out of stuff to talk about...
and i just saw the clock, it's 12:41.
time for lunch! just kidding!
OK now I'm done......this is do i end this??
do i say bye??? do i say i have to go???
i really don't have to go any where and there is no one to say bye too, sooo....I'll just say the end!

now i get it!.....sorta

ok i now get that a blog and a post are not the same
and i named the last one "has anyone seen my hat?".
dumb huh?
anyway i'm pretty sure that i have to post something positve everyday, right?
it's called optimism initiative so i'm gonna guess thats what i'm supposed to do.
ok i'll do it! it'll be really easy! i'm easy to please! ^_^
ah the awkward thing again! ok now i'll do it like craig furgeusen!
darn i just realized i missed his show! >:/ oh well time for an awkward silence!! here goes!
OK that's it i guess! :D